Magic Interior Epoxy Flooring THC-3004C
Crystal (Soft) Resin is a high transparency product and has almost no bubbles and odor, thereby
developed as a soft resin product for room-temperature hardening that anyone can use easily at home
or classes for making solid herbariums, diffusers, resin art, visual crafts, etc
• The proper ambient temperature for application or curing is 10℃~30℃
and the temperature of the prepared surface should be higher by 3℃ and
more than the dew point to avoid moisture condensat ion.
• How to mix each product: Add a 200g container of pear to the curing
agent and mix them well evenl y with a low-speed stirrer for 4~5minutes
and then mix them well with a container of base compoun d with a lowspeed
stirrer for 4~5 minutes.
• Applicable without removal of the existing flooring
(vintage flooring, transparent epoxy, tile, terrazzo flooring or marble)
• Shorter construction period than vintage flooring, tile or marble
• Excellent adhesion and durability
• Excellent dust proofing and waterproofing properties
• Good working property due to excellent self-levelling property
• Convenient to clean and easy to repair partially due to flatness without joint
• Various colors and textures are available
How to use
• Cafe, Hair salon, Beauty shop, Mobile phone shop
• Restaurant, Office, Convenient store, Shopping mall
• Mart. Theater
• Exhibition hall, Karaoke room
• Hotel or motel lobby and corridor
• Available for room or living room with unheated floor
16-color pearl color chart